ENTRE-FORWARD project partners
Entre-Forward is an international collaboration of 6 partners form 6 EU Member States, representing organizations specialized in training and entrepreneurship promotion.
Coopérative Intiative Jeunes – France
Cooperative d’Initiative Jeunes (CIJ) is a public interest cooperative that provides support to young entrepreneurs. CIJ promotes empowerment and active citizenship to enhance open and digital integration in learning, teaching, training and youth work. Its expertise is based on cooperative pedagogy and new technologies (in particular, the internet and ICT) to provide young people and trainers with tools that can be used to improve the teaching-learning process. The cooperative provides unemployed people with business support programs, with a specific focus on young entrepreneurs who want to launch their own business. CIJ enables young entrepreneurs to assess project feasibility and cope with real-life business problems to get a practical understanding of the development of a company.
ISON Psychometrica – Greece
ISON Psychometrica was founded in 1991 as the evolution of the first company offering Applied Psychology services in Greece. Its work groups consist of scientists specialized in various fields of Psychology, Counseling, Marketing, Information Technology and Business Administration, with significant experience in Greece and abroad. Exclusive collaborations with internationally recognized organizations permit ISON to balance and use in Greece the most up-to-date tools for observing, predicting and understanding human behavior, personality, as well as individual and group capabilities.
Centrum Wspierania Edukacji i Przedsiębiorczości (CWEP) – Poland
Centrum Wspierania Edukacji i Przedsiębiorczości operates from 2004 conducting activities related to the support and promotion of modern education and entrepreneurship, scientific research and consulting, conducting training, publishing, marketing, consulting and advertising activities. The Association provides services to support education through the implementation of transnational education projects aimed at young people and the organization of training. It also runs a consulting support for companies operating in the Subcarpathian region and Lesser Poland region and implements investment projects aimed at improving the quality of business support services. The Association is active in the field of science, expressed in the commitment to research projects and conducting its own analyzes of society.
União das Freguesias Gondomar (S. Cosme) Valbom e Jovim – Portugal
The local Parish of Gondomar (S. Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, it’s the local administrative body that is responsible for three main villas of Gondomar city. The main function of the Parish is to support the local community and to develop the villas in many areas: social, economic, public transportation and education. To achieve these goals, the Parish of S. Cosme, Jovim e Valbom has established a network of social institutions/NGO’s, supports the local auditorium and library, and has partnerships with other local services, in order to gather local resources and put them to work in favour of the local community.
Studio Risorse – Italy
Studio Risorse S.r.l., set up in 1998, operates in the field of Vocational Training and Organizational and Business Consulting, following a logic of constant improvement and complete customer orientation. The company aims to satisfy the requirements of businesses, young people trying to enter the employment market or that are unemployed, women and other groups at risk of exclusion from the labour market. The staff has an experience of several years in the field of management of European Social funds and it also has a high level of competence in the field of Vocational Training and Business Consulting. Studio Risorse considers integrated and well-balanced project development as an essential tool to ensure the Growth and Development of a Territory. Hence promote public-private partnerships (PPPs) as a tool to support and realize projects based on an interregional and/or transnational cooperation, setting up and taking part in Networks at regional, National and European level with the objective of comparing, exchanging and experimenting new methodological, organizational, training, educational and internationalization models.
DEP Institut – Spain
DEP Institut is specialized in social research, marketing and strategy consulting with more than 15 years of experience in the field of education, training and the world of work. In 1998 DEP Institut started EDUCAWEB (www.educaweb.com) - the most important Spanish website devoted to educational and career guidance and information. The main subjects of expertise of DEP Institut are: Education, Training, and Employment. DEP Institut has broad experience in the field and has done more than 100 research, projects focused on ICT guidance and skills, consultancy projects related to the training of adults, the needs of students, workers and job seekers in the ambit of formal and informal learning and other studies related to lifelong learning in general.